Friday, December 31, 2010

Shoutout to Dimanche

I just want to say thank you to my fist follower ever of any of my blogs: Dimanche! Thank you Dimanche for inspiring my to continue with this blog! :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sorry for no updates

I have been quite busy so I haven't updated my blog for several days now. I don't think it's worth the effort to tell you about how much (or how little) I have earned everyday since my last update. All I can say is that it looks like this will be an average month too. This is, of course, a little bit disappointing. Well well, I will tell you how much I have earned next year. ;) (1st of January!).

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

1,14 $

Yay! I'm glad to see that even though I feel like I don't earn anything at all sometimes, I always earn a reasonable amount of money in the end.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

No, today's earnings is 3,06 $

Wow, that's amazing. I'm so chocked right now. It's weird that I earn that much today. But I'm very happy! :)

Today's earnings: 1,39 $

I'm kinda chocked that I earned that much just like that. But I have to say that I think the following days will be so called "zero days".

Saturday, December 11, 2010


There's a reason to why I haven't posted anything in a while. It's because I haven't earned anything.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

50 posts!

Yeah! Now I have finally reached 50 posts! It's a very important number to reach for blogers.


I earned 0,40 $ yesterday!!! It's like nothing, I know. But nowadays I have to celebrate every day that I earn something.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

0 today too

I gettin' really mad now. My low earnings can be a result of that I changed the ads on my older blog. I did it because someone complained about it. Might change it back if I continue to don't earn anything.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Nothing today. Even though I have worked a lot last night with another blog. But hopefully, that will pay of lather this month.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Friday: 1,88 $

So far, I have earned 1,88 $ today which is vert nice because it's way above what I earned in average in my record month. But my earnings came from my old blog.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New month

I have been nagging about how bad November have been, and I agree, I earned less that in October. But compared the amount of clicks and I realized that they were quite equal, so it wasn't as bad as I thought from the beginning.

0,61 $ so far

That's a good start for this month. Don't you think? it will might be more in the evening (in my country).

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nothing today so far

I have had a lot of visitors today but I haven't earned anything. I update later if I earn something.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Sorry, it should be 1,07 $ :-)

I just checked my earnings again (I know, I obsessed) and I saw that I have now earned 1,07 $. If it will be like this tomorrow too, this month will be pretty good after all.

Monday: 0:26 $

OK. It isn't much. But I'm just glad that to not se the number 0 today. I have vad too much of these days lately.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

More money

I just checked my earnings agan and now I have earned a total of 1,1 $ today! These money came from my older blog though.

I beat September

I have now beaten September months earnings this month! But I am far away from last month.

Now I earn money from new blog!!!

I'm so excited right now. I have now officially earned money from one of my new blogs! :) It was around four weeks since I started that blog - and now I'm earning money from it. OK, it isn't much - 0,44 $. But who cares? This might mean that December will be a record month since now I earn from one of my new blogs too.

I'm really sorry...

I'm really sorry. Why? Because this blog has become so boring! Again - why? Well, that's because - I BARELY EARN ANYTHING AT ALL!!! In the last 13 days, have have only eanred money three days. I really hope that the clicks will come from my newer blogs soon. One of the have become rally popular, even more popular than my older blog. But I still haven't received any clicks from that new, popular blog.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Update for yesterday

Yesterday, I wrote that I had received seven clicks with no earnings. And it's the same today. VERY weird. What should I do?

Friday, November 26, 2010


Ok, this is very wierd indeed. I have received a couple of clicks today, and guess what I have earned - NOTHING. Since you get paid evey time someone clicks, it's weird. I guess there's must be something wrong. I tell you tomorrow if something happen.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Yesterday's earnings: 0,73 $

Ok, you might think that's like nothing. But in the last days have have barely earned anything at all so yeah, this is ok. But Today I haven't earned anything. BUT (many buts now ;) ) I'm only 0,57 $ away from beating September month's earnings. Yes, I said September, not October, I know. But October was a very good month for me - my record month. BUT in the future, I will hopefully earn ten times more than that or something :).

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Todays earnings: 3,13 $

It's all about the clicks, obviously. I haven't got a lot of visitors today, but my today's earnings is the best this month so far (and it will probably be too). All my earnings came from my older blog. To bad.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sorry, it should be three days in a row...

I just checked my earnings now and I had earned around 0,73 $ today. :) I should really check my earnings before I blog about my earnings. ;)

No earnings in four days

I can't believe it! I haven't earned anything For four days in a row know!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hard work pays

I have actually earned 1,78 $ today. And I have also worked A LOT with all my blogs today. Although I have worked a lot today, I think the earnings is a bit of coincidence too.

Blog update

Now I have updated all my blogs. I'm going to ping them all and hopefully, I will earn something today.

What's happening?

For the last two days I haven't earned a smack! My older blog (which I earn all my money from) have dropped a lot in pageviews. Because of that, I don't seem to earn anything at all right now. I haven't earned anything today either. I hope that this is just a bad period.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

No earnings

I don't undersatnd why my earnings are so bad this month, even though I have worked more then ever. But of course I will continue for a while, hopefully.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Finaly I earned some money today. But it wasn't from any of my new blogs.

New Google Adsense

You're probably reading thins blog because you're interested in earning money with adsense. Well, now I'd like to inform you that Adsense has updated. I have tried it and it looks really nice. It's currently in beta.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Nothing yesterday, and today... still nothing. But I'm getting a lot of visitors now. It's all about the clicks.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Still nothing today

I go to bed now and hope that my earnings will be better when wake up.

Nothing yet

I haven't earned anything today, yet. Hopefully I will earn something during the evening/night. That shouldn't be inpossible since I'm updating my blogs now.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Like yesterday

I got some earnings today too, even tought they were small. Just compared my avarage this month with the avarage from last month and it's exactly the same. My goal is, of course, to beat last month. And I think that's possible since I probably will start earn from my new blogs anytime soon. :)

No mord earnings yesterday

Just wanted to tell you that I didn't earn angripit more yesterday. I have noticed that it's pretty common that I only earn money like one time a day. It's never like I earn a little bit of money in the morning and a little bit during the evening. But I guess it's because of that I earn so little right now. It will hopefully get better if I get more readers.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Money, money, money

Yay, it's just morning and I have aleeady earned some money. OK, maybe it is't morning. But anyway, I tell you lager if I earn som more.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday: 1,52 $

I didn't earn any more during the night.

I'm luckey!

I just earned 1,52$! But I only earned from my old blog. But I shouldn't complain, this is just fantastic! :) I update tomorrow if I earn something more this day.

Fridays = no money?

I still haven't earned any money today, and I'm afraid that won't do that today. Why? Well, it's because it's Friday. On Fridays, I usually don't earn that much (or nothing). I don't know why, I still have a lot of pageviews on Fridays. Hopefully, today will be an exception. :-)

Nothing yesterday

I can confirm that I didn't earn anything yesterday. :(

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thursday: 0 $

I have had a lot of pageviews today (compared to what I usually get). But no money. What's funny about this is that I have never worked so much with my blogs like I've done today. But that's the thing with making money with blogs - you usually makes mord money when you work less. But of course, you have to work much with the blogs. But just because you work much with the blogs one day it doesn't necessarly mean that you will earn a lot of money that particular day.

Hopefully, I will earn some money during the night.

Earnings at night

I think that maybe I should tell about todays earnings tomorrow. Why? Well, when I woke up this morning I checked my earnings for today... nothing! But then I checked yesterday's earnings I saw that I had earned a little bit more. And last time I checked my earnings was 1 o'clock at night (1:00 AM I think it's called). And at 1 AM, it was the same, but when I woke up, I had earned a little bit more (on yesterdays earnings). Wierd.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednseday: 0,94 $

i have to say that I'm really surprised. I didn't earn any more during the day. But my pageviews raised a bit. Strange.

I guess that I just should check my earnings only in the evening.

New category

I added a new category for the blog today. It's called "Monthly earnings". As you probably already guessed, I show my monthly earnings there so you easy can follow my earnings. And right now, I always top the last month. But in October, the increase was pretty big. But I think that I will be able to break the record this month anyway. I mean, I have started SIX new blogs, so... yeah. But you never know what will happen. But that's my goal - break my October earnings.


This blog just got approved on a blog directorie! Hopefully, that will rack up the view a little. :)

Wednesday morning: 0,94 $

I just woke up and I saw that I have already earned 0,94 $. Altough, I still only earn money from my older blog. But I'm really excited that I already earned money today since I'm used to not get anything at all. Hopefully, I will earn some more during the day. I will hopefully uppdate in the evning how it went.

I have also promoted this blog this morning. But I did it for free, which means that for some sites it will take like three months until they will aprove. But some will do it within a couple of days, so it's ok. But I kinda like that it will take around three months for some sites to aprove because then I know that this blog will get bigger in the future. So I have something to look forward to. Another good thing about this is that I will have time to build up my blog. :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tuesday:1,7 $

I'm quite happy with my earnings today since I still only earn money from my older blog (click here if you don't know about my blogs). Working with promoting the other one's. I quite excited how my earnings will turn out when I'm done promoting.

Monday, November 1, 2010

New goal - beat last months earnings

Last month (October) I earned 25 $. My goal for now is to beat that. I really hope that that will be no problem since in October I only had one active blog, and now I'm starting up five new blogs! I'm really excited about this and I hope you will enjoi reading about it since you might get inspired. :)

Mondays earnings: 0,39 $

I'm still only making money from one blog. Now I'm going to start to promote the other blogs (this one included).

Btw, yoou might think that 0,39 $ is insanely low. But some days I don't earn anything at all, and this is just the beginning.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday - 2,7 $

Today, I have made 2,7 $ on one of my blogs. Right now I'm working on starting up my other blogs (this blog included). It's going to be interesting to se what will happen with my earnings when I have a bunch of blogs and not just one. :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Starting up

The blog is brand new, so I'm working right now to start it up.