Saturday, December 18, 2010

Saturday's earnings: 2 $

It's going well right now! :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello! Domingo Chen. You just asked me how to earn with adsense, which is a very good question. I don't know why you deleted your question, but here's the answer:

    To earn something with adsense you ned to find your niche. For exemple, you might know a lot about flowers, then you should make a blog ONLY about flowers. After that, you need to have other sites linking to you because than you will increase the chance to be on Google. And donät forget to update your blog regularly. :)

  3. Hello!

    Thanks for the tips, it is really going to help me =). That's one of the reason of why I made the Blog.

    And I think you should keep posting your earnings, I don't know but it motivates me somehow.

    Good luck!
